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Monday, May 31, 2010

Don't Cross a Veteran on Memorial Day

Seems several local and state-level politicians ticked-off the wrong veteran today and were, ummm, excused from their role in the West Side Memorial Day service at the Forty-Fort Cemetery. Basically, when they showed up to carry in the wreaths, they were told to go home. I was there, know all the details, and will simply offer that these particular officials are either really, really ignorant...really, really arrogant, or just plain dumb-as-a-brick stupid.

Regardless of their position on the scale of ineptitude, there was no excuse for their actions which, in my mind and that of the veteran who sent them packing, smacked of disrespect for the veterans we were all there to honor.  

I'll pass on naming names, and leave it that - next year - those political-types will be at the back of the parade where they belong. Need I say more?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome for you to share your rich heritage. Thank You.
    Even though we've only just met "virtually", I feel I know you well and am glad to be "shouder to shoulder' with such as you.
