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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mark Guydish: A Year of Utter Inaction?

After reading this article this morning, I will simply offer that the combination of three+ cups of strong coffee plus an adrenaline rush can produce damn-near fatal results.

More when I flush both from my system.

RiverFest 2011 - Inaction in action.

Below: I had no involvement whatsoever behind the scenes.

I was not at this meeting. Nothing extraordinary happened.

Yep...utterly inactive. 


  1. I feel your pain! But to me, Guydish is tongue-in-cheek. Perhaps he needed to be less subtle with his irony of which he has plenty. Sure, things have been accomplished in a year but at the macro level, largely, and not nearly what is needed. His point is that, in one year how can the #1 BAD endangered river, with no massive physical clean-up effort no less, improve so much as to not even make it to the top #10 on the next year's most endangered rivers list.

  2. Dear Anon: Understood. Mark's a bright guy, and I think he could have made his point just as well with a little less "tongue in cheek." Thanks for the comment.
