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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Carpe Diem, BABY!

Yesterday was an incredibly busy & productive day. I did a back and forth to Wilkes-Barre, visited Lenny's for some extra garlic cherrywood-smoked kielbasa, spent several hours carrying "stuff" up and down steps, visited with my Mom & in-laws, found some additional pieces of family history...and got a quick workout in when I got home.
I guess that's why I "slept in" until 7:00 a.m. this morning.
Anyway, when I looked out the family room window while the coffee was brewing...I saw the beginnings of a pretty nifty sunrise. Last year at this time, I was viewing them from a rented hospital bed in our family room. Today, I grabbed a jacket and camera and went outside. Next year, I may just climb a nearby tree for some pics.
It was a glorious sunrise to begin another great day.
Gee...am I being too positive?
Carpe diem!


  1. 1. OMG, can we use one or more of these as a header image on NEPA Blogs?
    2. Carrying "stuff" up and down steps? Oh, no, not again...

  2. D.B.:

    Use whichever you choose. It was a spectacular sunrise.


