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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I am, therefore, I scheme

One of my fellow bloggers chose to offer a few comments in a recent post about yours truly.

Now, deep down inside, I think he's just getting himself worked into a pre-paddling frenzy for this year's RiverFest. As he indicated in his post, we're going to have several of his relatives along for the trip this year, including a definite 2010 inductee into the River Rat Hall of Fame - the Zachster. That's great. It also appears there will be a gathering of some local bloggers after Saturday's paddle at a place yet-to-be-determined for some brewskis, meaningful dialogue and broken conventions. Even better. I'll bring along some T-shirts for a photo.

But, I must confess, I was truly taken aback by a word that was used to describe me. After a restless night, I am still disturbed that this long time paddling partner of mine would describe me as a schemer.

Methinks not, my friend.


  1. Scheme as in devise ways to frustrate the powers that be. As in, well thought out.

    You're not packing a gun on Saturday, are you?

    If so, I want the rear seat.


  2. Heh. I thought that pose looked familiar. I never noticed that that other guy was holding a newspaper in that picture.

  3. Markie:

    I will be armed with my Super Ninja Turtle water pistol filled with fracking fluid. Now that's what I call lethal weaponry.

    It's also great on warts.

