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Sunday, February 7, 2010

No B&(($4!t Tolerated Here!

Well...just a week or so into this new format and I've chosen to delete a comment, even though I 100% agreed with what was said. There's a time and place for everything, but profanity - even mild - won't be tolerated here. Sorry if I offend anyone, but if you can't say it in front of your mom or your kids or in church...don't bother posting it here. I've gone to comment moderation as well.

Hey, I go borderline ballistic almost every day when I see what's being shoved down our throats by "Big Oil" and their cast of cronies, but I've found that - in the long run - you'll be far more effective redirecting emotion into action than venting your spleen for all to see. If they know they can get to you...they will.

BTW...in reading some comments elsewhere, please be advised I have retained every post ever done on the old SRS website...just didn't have enough ISP memory to keep them online.

Yesterday was devoted to shoveling...today is putting a new ceiling/exhaust fan in an upstairs bathroom. No rest for the h*&#!!%(*^g wicked!


  1. Hooray! I'm glad all those old posts are preserved! That makes me happier than a $%#& @%$*%er trapped in a ^&$#@* factory! Praise *%#@*&!

  2. That's a bunch of fargin' bullspit. Only a complete icehole would not concede to the new parlance, the lowest possible discourse, but the new fother-mucking, sock-cucking discourse nonetheless.
