That's how much toxic, untreated frackwater Chesapeake Energy wants to pump underground, per year, for the next ten years. Read more about it here.
You can tell a lot about the education and intelligence of someone by how and what they write. I know there are some pretty smart folks bloggin' and readin' out there. I hope they all have a deep well of common sense, too. And are willing to get mobilized...
Does anyone actually believe that pumping millions of gallons of highly toxic wastewater underground is, per Chesapeake's application to the EPA, “the most cost effective and environmentally sound option” out there? We've got some very highly folded and fractured bedrock above and below the Marcellus Shale layer. How long do you think 650 MILLION gallons of untreated fracking wastewater pumped underground will take to migrate to our drinking water supplies? I'm guessing the first signs of contamination will start to surface in less than 5 years.
On second thought, it is probably the cheapest option...right behind dumping it in a local stream on some remote country road at 3 a.m.
These "BIG OIL" folks are having their way, and our politicians and other "leaders" are frozen like deer in the headlights. On 2/12...we must send a very clear message that WE, the People, have reached our boiling point of k(no)w return.
Speaking of hot water - stay tuned. Expecting a package of info any day. Hope it's not ticking...
Almost forgot. I've received numerous e-mails commenting on the recent WVIA "State of Pennsylvania" show about Marcellus Shale. I'm hearing one of the pro-drilling panelist's legs were shaking so much under the table that they had to switch cameras. Problem was...his eyes were twitching as well.
What would cause him to be so darn nervous?
Strange tales: The rocket
3 hours ago
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