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Friday, February 28, 2025

Careful: Your IQ is Showing


I truly do try to learn something new every day. No subject is off limits. So, albeit somewhere between enlightening and completely exasperating at times, I regularly take a peek at conversations in FB or elsewhere which originate from and/or include comments by the 'forever Trumper' crowds. 

This morning, I learned a new slant/slur against those who exercise their right to speak freely that may not quite align with the MAGA intelligentsia. 

DEMONCRAPS? Yep, yep...I've pretty much come to expect and experience nothing less. 

In closing for today, here's a meme I found recently that sums up my view on those that seek to trash others instead of trying to understand their perspective or engage in meaningful as well as respectful dialogue. 

Character counts! Happy Friday!

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