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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

9 Months, 900+ Days & counting...

I will be shutting down the two countdown clocks above and to the left in the next few days.

It has been 900+ days since the Susquehanna was discovered bubbling methane near Sugar Run (Bradford County) PA...and it was nine months ago that the latest "event" took place along Rte. 414 near Leroy (Bradford County) PA. To date, I have not seen any significant release of the results from samples taken by the DEP in early September 2010 ( Sugar Run ) and on May 19th & 30th, 2012 near Leroy, PA. 

And to this day, believe it or not, there are folks out there - living in the middle of the Marcellus Maelstrom - who believe the DEP is doing a good job and telling the truth.

'Defies logic' doesn't even come close...



  1. While I have not been as involved or aggressive as you have been in your environmental crusading, I have come to wonder the very same thing about a special group of people called fishermen.
    Some species of fish in the Susquehanna River have all but disappeared while others have been shown to be changing sex, possibly be sterile,dying because their immune system will not protect them and covered with lesions that some have shown to be cancer.
    Most do not support any advocacy to address the problem in an immediate way (we are long beyond the stage of being proactive). And, in the face of all these problems, many still eat the fish since they are disingenuously told the fish are safe to eat and they accept it. As long as there is still a fish, any fish,at the end of their fishing rod...that is as far as they think.

    Hope you are healing. Stay strong in spirit.

    William L. Yingling M.D.

  2. Dr. Y:

    Thanks for the comments. So far, all is progressing well with my rehab.

    I, too, am somewhat puzzled by the number of groups and individuals that are either sitting this one out or trying to figure out an angle they can sell to their members - and/or the public - while they attempt to gain favor with whatever industry, issue or individual that will benefit them financially. As well, unfortunately, it seems that people who speak out against degrading the environment are immediately vilified or dismissed by those who would stand to gain from its exploitation.

    As you know, our current DEP secretary is an environmental lawyer, not an environmentalist. There is a huge difference.

    As long as one is willing to try...there is always hope.


