Seems the group funded by and at the 24/7 beck and call of the natural gas industry, EID-NMI, decided to attack Damascus Citizens for its involvement in the recently-released Leroy Methane survey by Gas Safety, Inc.
One of my favorite passages from the post:
This New York City based advocacy group isn’t about Damascus or the Delaware River basin anymore, if it ever was. It is focused far more on the Susquehanna River basin, the latest example of this being a bizarre attempt by Damascus Citizens to insert itself into, and keep alive, an already largely resolved methane issue in Leroy Township, Bradford County.Largely resolved? Really?
Once again, here's what two local (Leroy) residents have to say:
"Chesapeake installed a filtration system that removes
methane from the well, but the Leightons said they still don't trust it. The
retired couple uses their water to bathe, cook and wash dishes — but not to
drink. And DEP is still finding explosive levels of methane in the well's head
space, Michael Leighton said.
"When is it going to go away? Nobody knows. They have no
idea, even the scientists who have been up here," said his wife. "The DEP is up
here at least once a week. They know it's not over. I don't know where the
secretary got his information from, but they know it's not over."
Having been to Leroy four times between late May and Labor Day, I also know it's far from over. So does Chesapeake, and so does the DEP. I wonder how many times anyone from NMI has been there?
BTW folks, EID-NMI want you to comment on their posts. It gives them an opportunity to attack you...makes them appear relevant.
Please don't get sucked into their ploy as others have.
I, too, remember the '60s. Very well.
To that end; we all know what's coming.
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