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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Jeremiah Gee & Dead Salamanders

Y-a-w-n...just another story about natural gas drilling, a newly-contaminated well, water buffaloes, and dead critters.

Read more here.

We've heard the story before: a pond is contaminated...amphibians die, but subsequent tests indicate everything is fine. A well is contaminated, water buffaloes are brought in, and they're still trying to determine the source of the problem. A river bubbles...and bubbles...and bubbles.

Best wishes to all for an enjoyable 4th of July weekend. Always remember the price of freedom, not only on this weekend, but in the days ahead.



1 comment:

  1. PS My blog is adamaecompton.wordpress.com Feel free to link/share stories/whatnot. Our case is unique in that we have a lot of predrill, during drill, and postdrill data that a lot of people don't tend to have (unfortunately). On my blog, I try to inform people what they should look out for and what their rights are. Drop on by.
