In addition to the picture at the top of this blog, which you will never find featured on either the Marcellus Shale Coalition's or the
Joint Landowners Coalition of New York's websites, here's a
video ( on facebook ) you'll never see them post. Thanks, Lynn!
BTW - if you've been following last week's Chesapeake well blowout in Bradford County, you had to have noticed that a herd of cows was grazing in a field (right next to the well) that was exposed to ( for 12 hours or more ) fracking fluid from the massive blowout.
Think about it, folks. Where does your milk and beef come from? Do you want to take the risk that it comes from Bradford County? Perhaps, from
those cows in
that field?
I, for one, and going to ensure my family does not purchase or consume
any milk, beef or other produce that comes from Bradford County...for starters.
Ahhh, the
Marcellus Multiplier in all its glory. Jobs, economic benefits, tainted wells, tainted food....and lives destroyed.
Just Bradford Co? Don't forget about the radioactive (radiocowsitopes?) cows outside of Wellsboro. No more local beef or dairy for me. Much as I love to buy from roadside stands, any farm with a gas well is suspect. Even maple syrup - those trees suck up a lot of shallow water. Tasty Bambi bits are right off the menu, too. Fracking and 'eating local' are immiscible activities. And that breaks my heart.