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Thursday, April 22, 2010

+++ Earth Day 2010 +++

As many of you know, I will be in Harrisburg today - in front of the DEP's headquarters on Market Street - to do my best to raise the level of awareness about the environmental issue of our time: The Marcellus Shale frenzy and the imminent fourth great exploitation of Pennsylvania's natural resources.

As the saying goes: gam zeh ya'avor - This too shall pass.

I truly hope so.

There will be plenty of speakers and I'll take plenty of pictures. A major gubernatorial candidate will have a representative there, and I'm hearing a busload of folks will be coming from a local university.

That's all great and I look forward to it all. But in the end, when the dust settles and whatever the final outcome may be, I'll know that - to the best of my ability - I tried to make a difference. 

Here is the close from my prepared statement which will be delivered at ~high noon:

"My friends, this is our time. We could not stop the insatiable fur trade from destroying the equilibrium of our primeval watersheds, we could not stop the massive deforestation of Penn’s Woods, and we did not stop the last great exploitation of our natural resources; the anthracite coal mining industry. What we face today is possibly the most devastating threat to the remaining quality of life many have fought so hard to maintain and improve over the past forty years. To that end, if our current leadership in Harrisburg is unwilling or unable to summon the resolve to bring an immediate halt to the Marcellus Shale frenzy sweeping across our commonwealth, I offer one final quote from its constitution which they have all sworn to support, obey and defend:

Article 1 - Section 2.

All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness. For the advancement of these ends they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think proper.

From Dimock to Dunkard Creek, from Lake Otsego to the Chesapeake Bay, from the Lackawaxen to the Monogahela, and from Harrisburg to Washington, we must do all that is necessary to ensure our gift to those generations yet to come includes cleaner waters, cleaner air, and a Penn’s Woods we will be proud to leave behind.

Thank you."

To my blogging brothers from NEPA, and to all who visit today - Happy Earth Day.

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