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Friday, April 19, 2013

New Blog: The Williams Chronicles

My Aunt Sandy - my father's youngest sister - was from my perspective the ultimate Williams/Stewart family historian. I truly believe she threw almost nothing away. In the months ahead, for those that stop by my newest blog, you'll come to understand what I mean by "almost nothing".

In boxes and folders and albums taking up a sizable corner in our basement, I have become the willing recipient of roughly ~130 years of "stuff" that chronicles the lives of my ancestors and contemporaries who were born and raised in (primarily) northeastern PA before heading off to continue their lives elsewhere.

In order to share these mementos with members of our expanded families from coast to coast, I've created another blog - The Williams Chronicles - which will afford 24/7 access to all of the pics and documents that I've recently begun scanning.

Unfortunately, there are many questions about what I'm finding that will never be answered. But, as I grow the blog, I will add as many comments/details as I can. The blog will not be fancy with all the bells and whistles available through Blogger. It'll be pics, comments...and not much more.

As an example of "almost nothing", the glasses below belonged to my paternal grandmother, Ann (Clemow) Williams, who died in 1941 at the age of 34.

Below: Pic of Ann (Clemow) Williams. Check glasses.

However, I'm not sure about the glasses below, which are definitely much, much older. As many branches of our family tree lived in the Wyoming Valley in the 1700's...perhaps the black framed glasses were around at the time of the Battle of Wyoming. They certainly have enough tool markings to be from that era.

Yet another mystery to solve.

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