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Friday, January 14, 2011

Quo vadis, America?

Subtitle: The Death of Free Speech in Benton Township, PA

A brief article about a meeting in northeastern PA ( Benton Township ) caught my attention this morning, specifically the following:

Next week, township supervisors will hold a public hearing on the conditional use application to drill the exploratory well.
But residents who attend that hearing will not be allowed to ask questions about water quality, traffic and other concerns, township Supervisor Larry Seymour said.

You can read the rest here.
S-o-o-o-o-o, they're going to hold a public meeting, but those who attend are - effectively - going to be muzzled.  If you are concerned about clean, drinkable water and want to ask questions...no need to attend. If you are concerned about significant increases in traffic and the overall safety of local roads for your children or our senior citizens...no need to attend. And if you have questions about any "other concerns" and impacts the proposed exploratory drillsite may have...no need to attend.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech?

This is not right. I hope 75 x 75 people attend this meeting and ask as many questions as allowed under the Constitution of the United States of America.

And I hope the local and national media covers every effort to muzzle free speech in Benton Township. 

We, the People, cannot and should not allow this to happen.

Larry, BABY...what hath you wrought?

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