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Saturday, April 10, 2010

4/10/10 - Weekend Weminiscing: The Tubs

A lot of folks I know have never been to Wheelbarrow Run, a.k.a. "The Tubs". It's located on the eastern rim of the Wyoming Valley, just off Route 115 on the southbound side of the road. Back in my college days, I was a member of the Wilkes College Committee for a Clean Environment (WCCCE) which was part of a group that eventually helped protect and preserve this unique natural site

The Tubs were formed during one of the last Ices Ages, and are an excellent example of glacial potholing and/or ahem...drilling, at its finest. Imagine a series of these holes, some 10 or 20 feet deep, drilled right into the Pocono Sandstone and connected by a long series of channels. If you can...you have an idea of what the Tubs looks like. A state park protecting one of the largest glacial potholes on the planet is located just a few miles northeast of the Tubs.

Here are a few pics to help complete this post.

Of course, you'll always have lazy slobs who disrespect everything in their path.

Have a good weekend.

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