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Friday, February 7, 2014

Enhance Penn's Woods (?)

For those that didn't watch/read Toxic Tommy's budget address, or peruse some of his new initiatives like "Enhance Penn's Woods", check this out.
One of PA's larger environmental organizations has already jumped into the fray.
Hey, I'm all for a thorough public discussion. Let's start scheduling them now.
BTW, I noticed a well-known ( in some circles ) Lower Susquehanna River Advocate standing in the background in one of the pics in the second link above.
Mike, I hope you put your proximity to Ms. Ferretti & Toxic Tommy to good use. To be so-o-o close.
Truthfully...better you than I.
Folks, for those that recently asked, I am well into the next phase of my rehab-recovery.
My intermediate term goal?
P.S.: I couldn't let this pearl of wisdom slide from this online article.
"Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi said he wanted to learn more about the proposal. So did House Majority Leader Mike Turzai. When the Senate Democrats were asked, they too said they wanted to study the proposal, though Minority Leader Jay Costa did say more money from drilling should be dedicated to eduction funding."

Eduction funding? Where do you suggest we start?

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