The Susquehanna River has been bubbling for 700 days near Sugar Run in Bradford County. The "alleged" culprit?
Chesapeake Energy.
The area surrounding the Morse Well Pad in Leroy Township/Bradford County - several square miles, mind you - has been belching methane out of the ground and water since May 19th. The "alleged" culprit?
Chesapeake Energy.
I've been to both locations several times. I'll be back at the former site on September 2nd to mark the event's two year anniversary.
I was recently provided with an advance glimpse of some videos taken in Bradford County and elsewhere of people dealing with the onslaught of the natural gas industry. I may very well be the only person in this country, or among a limited few, to be trusted with this information. If the videographer's goal was to provide a ground level gut-check and get people angry...he exceeded all expectations.
A direct report and key member of my team at work has recently gone out on an extended/unanticipated leave. His skill set is such that I'm one of the few folks that can shoulder a portion of his responsibilities. I know I'm slowly burning out, and see no troops coming to the rescue.
If I disappear from posting for days at a time, it's to recharge my batteries and maintain what little sanity I can pretend to have left.
The video below was taken ~10 months after the bubbling caused by Cheasapeake's shoddy drilling practices was first discovered in the Susquehanna.
Susquehanna River Bubbling Methane on 7/17/2011 from
Don Williams on
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