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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Susquehanna Earns National Designation

Congrats to all the folks that made this happen. Read more about it here.

I knew this designation was coming...just didn't know when. There's a lot more on its way, but I can't and won't reveal any of it until I get the go-ahead from the parties involved.

I hope everyone realizes, including my recent and now regular visitors from across the pond ( up to 80+ countries have visited...and counting ), that I do this blogging thing on my increasingly-limited "free" time. No $ from the NGI folks, no annoying pop-up ads or videos, no advertising banner$.

The time is fast approaching when I'll flip the switch, turn out the lights, and channel my energies in a different direction. It will happen sooner vs. later...and I can't wait.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Coming up...who the heck are these guys?   

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