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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

DCNR's Brian Grove: Revolving Door

The recent announcement that former Chesapeake Energy Executive (?) Brian Grove was appointed to a Deputy Secretary position @ PA's DCNR continues to reverberate throughout the above and below ground media network.
Here's one of the more recent op-ed articles
My longstanding policy on this blog has been to not post emails without written permission, and I'm holding to that position for now. Suffice it to say that quite a few long-time river advocates have weighed in on this issue...and many of their comments have been far less than kind. And, surprisingly, several folks have taken some very pointed shots at the DCNR's Acting Secretary as well.
My opinion is that Tom Corbett appointed Ellen Ferretti to her current position because she is widely known in PA's environmental community and, somehow, he believed that Ellen's place on his team would be accepted and viewed favorably by people like me. A token olive branch, of sorts. 

Guess again, Thomas.

The rung she is standing on becomes more tarnished as each day passes.
I openly admit that I am not up on all the environmental laws written by man; i.e. those policies and procedures written on paper by people with agenda$. From dealing with Ellen on many issues over the years - including the ill-fated inflatable dam - I know that she is definitely well-versed in this area. 
But when it comes to the laws of nature, I have no doubt - as a fellow Wilkes EnviSci grad from the '70s - that Acting DCNR Secretary Ferretti knows that I know that she knows that I know what she knows about the environment.
And, to date, her actions tell me that Ellen is just another puppet in Toxic Tommy's fracking free-for-all circus.

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