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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Gam zeh ya'avor

As I close out my annual tribute to the Susquehannock, I truly look forward to the event being planned in Lancaster, PA just over 11 months from now that will commemorate the 250th anniversary of the Conestoga Massacre. I hope my schedule allows me to attend.

This blog has morphed - significantly - from its original design and purpose over the past 13 years, as have my interests. Although I will always have a deep passion for the Susquehanna River and its fate, which is far from improving, I need to move beyond the place where I find myself today.

The Conestoga Massacre took place almost 13 years before the Declaration of Independence was signed. One of the acknowledged leaders and visionaries of an emerging nation, Benjamin Franklin, decried the act for years to follow. And for those of us that have patrilineal connections to the event itself, our acts of reparation have only just begun.

The past few months have been particularly difficult. I'm not fully through the grief and mourning stuff that follows the loss of a parent, but as with all things...gam zeh ya'avor.

Be well.

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