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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pennsylvania's Rape Continues: A CALL TO ARMS

These are entries from the journals of the officers and soldiers of Major General John Sullivan's Expedition against the Iroquois in 1779:

From the Journal of Dr. Jabez Campfield ( Surgeon 5th NJ Regiment ) - June 14th, 1779:

"Wyoming is a beautiful place, through which runs the Susquehanna, in a swift delightful course. The Lands here are exceedingly good and fertile; The river abounds with various fish in the Spring, it is full of the finest Shad, trout and pickerel are also plenty here."


From the Journal of Lieut. Col. Henry Dearborn - June 23rd, 1779:

"...we are now incamp'd on the bank of the Susquehannah river - this river is at this place about 50 rods wide and abounds with fish of various kinds Such as Shad Bass, pike, trout &c..."


From the Journal of Dr. Ebenezer Elmer - June 24th, 1779:

"Spend chief part of the day in fishing - Salmon trout, Succers, Bass & common trout are pretty plenty in the river."


From the Journal of Lieut. William Barton - June 12th, 1779:

This branch is an exceeding fine, pretty river, and opposite the town in midsummer five or six fathom of water, as clear as it can be; ..."


Imagine that. The Susquehanna loaded with shad, salmon and trout, and clear to depths of 30 feet. Right in the Wyoming Valley. And what do we have now?

Not even close.

Since 1779, Pennsylvania's primeval forests were cleared for the profits the lumber would bring. Pennsylvania's land was ripped open for the profits its coal would bring.

And now, the Susquehanna's waters are being sucked from its most pristine ( what's left ) headwaters for the profits it will bring to the Susquehanna River Basin Commission and the natural gas industry.

And many are simply content to sit idly by and watch this happen.

Whoever you are, even if you don't know enough to speak on the issues, please plan on attending the SRBCs public hearing on Thursday, December 15th at the Best Western/East Mountain Inn in Wilkes-Barre, PA  - beginning at 8:30 a.m. - in support of those who stand in defiance to protect this watershed from those who wish only to profit from its defilement.

We cannot let this happen again.

Be there, and bring a friend...or three.

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